Military / Defense / Homeland Security
Specialized custom Speech Recognition for Military / Defense / Homeland Security Operations
Leading-Edge Ground Breaking Speech Recognition Solutions
MatrixHCI is known for developing systems and solutions that push or exceed the current boundaries in speech recognition. If you have a project that you feel is over-the-edge technology wise, please contact us for a consultation.
We have pushed technology past its limits over the years, and we can help you design and develop systems that push the edge and provide you the maximum technological advantage needed.
MatrixHCI offers custom secure speech recognition development and deployment in support of military systems and operations. Because we are a custom software developer specializing in speech recognition, artificial intelligence, and dialogue management, we can develop a complete system solution or a custom component that works seamlessly with other existing systems already in place.
Because we develop speech solutions from the ground up, we can build a system that integrates with a variety of military applications in whatever languages that are necessary.
Additionally, our expertise and success in developing intelligent speech solutions in challenging acoustic environments like Air Traffic Control and Flight Deck command and control, we can deliver a system that is custom tailored to meet almost any environment.
With prior experience in developing military-related projects for Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) and Boeing, we understand this critical area of development and can consult, design and develop, and secure successful systems that meet unique military specifications.
In past projects, we have been known to “push the edge of technological capabilities,” and have decades of experience within our management team with proven capabilities and design experience in projects that have challenged even the largest speech developers.
Our systems and design in the past have pushed beyond the capabilities of major embedded systems built by companies like Nuance. Our success comes from the ability to be agile in our development coupled with years of experience in the software development industry with an emphasis on speech recognition.

Ground-Based Military Implementations
Our speech recognition solutions are known for their ability to handle speech recognition in challenging acoustical areas. Additionally, our experience with FAA phraseology, Air Traffic Control, and flight operations allow us to develop aviation and aerospace speech enabled solutions with complete competence and with high degrees of recognition accuracy. Members of our team are also licensed pilots and even some of our audio transcribers that help develop transcribed audio for building unique aviation-based acoustic models hold FAA certificates.
Our experience with all phases of flight and our past success building speech applications in these areas allow us to easily design, train, and configure ground-based flight ops solutions.
Whether you need to speech enable a remote flight deck for UAVs to increase efficiency and productivity or speech enable a flight deck or operational station on the ground, MatrixHCI can assist in making your requirements a reality.
Our custom speech enabled solutions coupled with our dialogue management and AI-based processing techniques will give you intelligent accurate solutions that can help give you a competitive edge in whatever military space you need to operate in.
Airborne Speech Recognition Solutions
Over 8 years ago, MatrixHCI was selected over major companies like Nuance to develop proof of concept solutions of many speech solutions, including enabling UAVs with speech recognition with the possibility of flying UAVs through manned airspace, and listening to manned ATC controllers in order to navigate autonomously while at the same time maintaining contact with and taking commands from Air Traffic Controllers.
The concept 8 years ago of using speech recognition to listen to and understand ATC controller radio transmissions was unheard of; however, MatrixHCI delivered successful proof of concept results of ATC speech recognition when other major speech vendors thought it was impossible.
Today, MatrixHCI is still pushing the limits with ATC speech recognition, and is currently in development with ATC-based systems with major avionic suppliers which will become real flight deck products in the near future.
Our experience of airspace, flight states, and FAA phraseology, and our knowledge of flight from real pilots on our management team, and our long standing work in this area with intelligent speech systems, allows us to tackle and overcome virtually any extreme speech recognition requirement that may arise.
Because we develop, train, tune, and build our speech system from the ground up, we can custom tailor a system to meet any in-flight requirement at any level of certification such as DO-178 development at any level of criticality.
Please contact us if you need a confidential consultation, and we will be more than happy to discuss your specific needs.

Military Surveillance
MatrixHCI can develop a speech system that can be used to transcribe audio for special surveillance operations. We can develop acoustic models for any language that your project requires, and architect, design, and deploy a speech enabled system to meet your specific needs.