Transcription and Audio Searching
Custom Development of Transcription and Audio Mining Solutions
We Take a Backseat to Your Product
MatrixHCI is in the business of delivering speech solutions that make you look good. That means that our development and our product take a backseat and quietly deliver speech recognition results from within your product line.
For all intents and purposes, your customers will never know we exist.
Client / Server Design
Because the core of our transcription system is based on a client server architecture, the actual speech recognition engine can be housed in the Cloud where high-powered MatrixHCI designed servers can process the audio and return transcribed results to your client software.
This is important when you need the higher horsepower that cannot be found in smaller handheld devices or slower computers to handle the high volume of speech recognition processing.
In this case, a small thin client software component can exist on your customer client (on a smart phone, handheld device, or PC) which packages the audio collected and takes care of all management to send the audio to the server and return the results … all the time using the higher horsepower servers to do the “heavy lifting” needed to high volume real-time speech recognition.
This client can be integrated behind the scene in the back end of your client software and can handle all the complexities of sending and receiving the audio to the server.
This architectural design is much the same as that which is employed by Siri and Google where the actual speech recognition does not reside on the consumer device.
The main difference between us and Siri and Goggle is that our technology is totally customizable and is not controlled or limited to specific devices and their own applications.
MatrixHCI will design the architecture using your unique needs and interface requirements and sit within your application thus speech enabling your application in a way that meets your needs.
Additionally, when the devices your applications run on have the horsepower and hardware real estate to handle the speech recognition “on device,” the MatrixHCI architectural design allows the server to actually reside on the device itself thus eliminating the need for an internet connection. This means that you will never get the “Siri Not Available. No Internet Connection” message on our custom designed product.

Speech Transcription Design
MatrixHCI has extensive experience developing speech transcription systems and can recognize and return transcribed results from supplied audio.
MatrixHCI offers a transcription client and server architecture that allows for the development of a transcription solution that can allow your customers to send audio for transcription and indexing of recognized words for later searching of audio by word topics.
Because we develop each application to meet our customer needs, including the languages that must be recognized, we can develop and design a transcription solution that exactly meets your needs.
Whatever languages you need to provide transcription for, MatrixHCI can collect audio in the desired languages, transcribe the audio, and then train a system that can recognize the desired languages of your target audience.
Additionally, once your system is up and running, we can continually collect audio samples submitted by your customers and use this audio to continually develop and refine your system to improve in accuracy as time goes by. This is the same collection model that Siri and Goggle use in their products.